Jalan Pemuda No. 134 Semarang
A. Latar Belakang
Pendidikan tinggi merupakan lembaga yang memproduksi lulusan yang mempunyai sikap kecendekiawanan. Sikap kecendekiawanan tersebut meliputi sikap sebagai penemu, pemadu, penerap, serta sebagai pengembang IPTEKS. Untuk itu, mahasiswa yang merupakan salah satu kelompok masyarakat ilmiah harus mempunyai ciri kehidupan akademis yang dinamis. Kedinamisan hidup mahasiswa terefleksi dalam perilaku dan pola pikir yang kritis, kreatif, inovatif, serta produktif terhadap fenomena kehidupan kampus dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Perilaku dan pola pikir tersebut diapresiasikan dalam bentuk kegiatan ilmiah, sehingga kegiatan itu perlu untuk dibina, dikembangkan, serta dilejitkan agar mahasiswa mempunyai potensi akademik yang unggul dan handal sehingga mampu dan siap untuk berkompetisi di masyarakat.
Kualitas kegiatan ilmiah mahasiswa harus ditingkatan secara optimal dan terus-menerus sehingga perlu memperoleh dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Berdasarkan hal ini, upaya dan langkah nyata dalam bentuk pengayaan wawasan ilmiah, kontinyuitas pembinaan budaya akademik, peningkatan dan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan, serta komitmen berkarya dan berprestasi ilmiah perlu disadari dan dilakukan oleh semua pihak, khususnya mereka yang memang merasa mempunyai jiwa dan ruh keilmuwan.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas mahasiswa dalam bidang penalaran serta berkaitan dengan otonomi daerah, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah merasa terpanggil untuk menyelenggarakan fasilitasi Program Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM). Kegiatan tersebut diharapkan dapat mewadahi gagasan-gagasan kreatif dan inovatif mahasiswa dalam bentuk tulisan ilmiah.
B. Maksud dan Tujuan
Program Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) ini dimaksudkan dapat mewadahi gagasan-gagasan kreatif dan inovatif mahasiswa dalam bentuk tulisan ilmiah yang menunjang pembangunan daerah menuju peningkatan daya saing bangsa. Program Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) ini bertujuan:
1. Mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis karya ilmiah dan mempresentasikan karya ilmiah.
2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menyampaikan ide atau gagasan terhadap permasalahan sesuai dengan kompetensinya.
3. Meningkatkan kepekaan dan kontribusi pemikiran kritis dan inovatif.
C. Bidang Kajian
Kegiatan ini memfasilitasi kompetensi mahasiswa dalam bidang penalaran di Perguruan Tinggi melalui Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM). Lingkup bidang kajian LKTIM Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang mencakup 5 (lima) kategori:
1. Sosial
2. Ilmu Terapan
3. Pendidikan
4. Ekonomi
5. Ilmu alam
Kategori Ilmu Sosial mencakup disiplin-disiplin, Sosial Politik, Psikologi, Hukum, Agama, dan sejenisnya. Kategori Ilmu Terapan diantaranya meliputi, Pertanian, Peternakan, Perikanan, Kesehatan, Farmasi, Teknik, Lingkungan, Sipil, Arsitektur, Desain, Elektronika, dan Komputer. Kategori Ilmu Pendidikan meliputi disiplin-disiplin keguruan dan kependidikan. Kategori Ilmu Ekonomi meliputi disiplin ilmu-ilmu Ekonomi, Akuntansi, dan studi Pembangunan. Sedang Kategori Ilmu Alam antara lain meliputi disiplin-disiplin ilmu murni Kimia, Fisika, Matematika dan Biologi
D. Luaran Program
Luaran program LKTIM ini berupa:
1. Karya tulis inovatif.
2. Mahasiswa yang kompeten dalam menulis karya tulis inovatif
3. Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mempresentasikan karya tulis inovatif.
Untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam berbahasa Inggris, maka mulai tahun 2011 ini, Program LKTIM dilombakan untuk penulisan dalam dua bahasa, yaitu:
1. Bahasa Indonesia
2. Bahasa Inggris
A. Nama Program
Nama program ini adalah Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
B. Persyaratan
Untuk dapat mengikuti LKTIM Provinsi Jawa Tengah harus memenuhi syarat sebagai berikut ini:
1. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif Diploma atau S-1 Perguruan Tinggi di Jawa Tengah.
2. Peserta dapat perseorangan atau berkelompok 2-3 orang dalam satu Perguruan Tinggi.
3. Seorang mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan merangkap sebagai ketua penulis pada kelompok bidang yang lain
4. Seorang mahasiswa maksimal menjadi tim pada 2 kelompok bidang .
5. Setiap peserta/ kelompok dibimbing oleh seorang dosen pembimbing.
6. Setiap karya tulis ilmiah yang dikirim disahkan oleh Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi (Pembantu/Wakil Rektor/Direktur Bidang Kemahasiswaan)
C. Substansi
1. Substansi tulisan merupakan gagasan cerdas atau gagasan terapan yang telah teruji melalui serangkaian hasil penelitian.
2. Gagasan-gagasan yang ditulis dapat berupa diskripsi, analisis, maupun sintesis fenomena-fenomena alam dan sosial yang diangkat secara ilmiah.
3. Bila merupakan gagasan cerdas, tulisan harus diangkat dari sekurang-kurangnya 10 referensi ilmiah baik berupa buku, review hasil penelitian, ataupun jurnal hasil penelitian
4. Bila berupa gagasan terapan, tulisan harus diangkat dari sekurang-kurangnya 3 penelitian sebidang, yang saling terkait, saling mendukung, atau pun penelitian yang dilakukan dalam satu rangkaian kerangka besar suatu area atau rumpun studi. Tulisan ini sekurang-kurang didukung oleh 5 referensi yang tiga diantaranya adalah merupakan hasil penelitian sejenis.
5. Metodologi penelitian adalah analitis, tanpa analisis statistik, sehingga seluruh tulisan merupakan suatu rangkaian analisis terhadap suatu gagasan pada bidang keahlian yang sedang berkembang di lingkungan ilmiahnya.
C. Proses Seleksi
Alur seleksi Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) sebagai berikut ini.
15 Juli 2011
Cap Pos
Juli 2011
TIDAK Minggu III Agus
Minggu III Oktober 2011
Minggu III Oktober 2011
D. Kriteria Penilaian
Kriteria penilaian Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) yaitu sebagai berikut ini:
1. Penilaian terdiri atas dua aspek: 1) Naskah karya tulis dan 2) presentasi karya tulis.
2. Penilaian ini dilakukan oleh Tim Juri yang ditetapkan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
3. Naskah yang diterima sesuai batas waktu yang telah ditentukan akan diseleksi dan ditetapkan untuk dipresentasikan di hadapan Tim Juri.
4. Peserta yang terseleksi akan diundang untuk mempresentasikan karya tulisnya di hadapan Tim Juri.
5. Tim juri akan menetapkan pemenang berdasarkan hasil penilaian naskah dan presentasi karya tulis ilmiah.
Kriteria penilaian naskah Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) mencakupi aspek:
No Kriteria Penilaian Parameter Penilaian
1 Format Karya Tulis Tata tulis: ukuran kertas, kerapihan ketik, tata letak, jumlah halaman.
Penyajian: sistematika tulisan, ragam bahasa ilmiah, ketepatan dan kejelasan ungkapan,
2 Kreativitas dan Inovatif Topik/Gagasan Relevansi topik dengan tema
Keunikan dan Keaktualitasan
3 Kebermanfaatan/Kontribusi
Nilai tambah keilmuwan
Nilai tambah kerjasama/pragmatis
Nilai tambah dalam pemecahan masalah pembangunan daerah
4 Data dan Sumber Informasi Relevansi data dan informasi yang diacu
Keakuratan dan integritas data dan informasi
Kemampuan menghubungakan berbagai data dan informasi
5 Pembahasan, simpulan, serta Transfer Gagasan
Kemampuan menganalisis dan mensintesis pembahasan serta merumuskan simpulan
Prediksi transfer gagasan dan proses adopsi
E. Jadwal Kegiatan
Jadual kegiatan Program Lomba Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa (LKTIM) tahun 2011 dijadwalkan sebagai berikut ini.
No. Kegiatan Waktu Keterangan
01. Sosialisasi program Feb-Mar Pengumuman
02. Batas Penyerahan Naskah 15 Juli Cap Pos
03. Seleksi Administrasi III Juli Tim Review
04. Seleksi naskah LKTIM III Agust Tim review
06. Presentasi naskah LKTIM dan penentuan pemenang III Oktober Tim Review
Keterangan: Angka romawi menunjukkan minggu ke-
F. Penghargaan
Pemenang akan mendapatkan piala, piagam penghargaan, serta hadiah dari Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
G. Ketentuan Tata Tulis dan Penilaian
Karena lomba dipisahkan dalam dua bahasa, maka su bab ini mengatur ketentuan untuk kedua bahasa tersebut, dengan pemisahan umum sebagai berikut:
G.1. Lomba Karya Tulis Berbahasa Indonesia
G.2. Lomba Karya Tulis Berbahasa Inggris
G.1.a. Kriteria dan Format Penilaian
Perguruan Tinggi : ………………………………………………………………..
Fakultas/Program Studi : …………………………………………………………………
Judul Karya Tulis : …………………………………………………………………
Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
1. Nama Ketua Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
2. Anggota : ……………......................................................
Bidang Kajian : …………………………………………………………………
No Kriteria Penilaian Parameter Penilaian Bobot
(%) Skor Nilai
1 Format Karya Tulis - Tata tulis: ukuran kertas, kerapihan ketik, tata letak, jumlah halaman.
- Penyajian: sistematika tulisan, ragam bahasa ilmiah, ketepatan dan kejelasan ungkapan, 10
2 Kreativitas dan Inovatif Topik/ Gagasan - Relevansi topik dengan tema
- Keunikan dan Keaktualitasan 25
3 Kebermanfaatan/Kontribusi
- Nilai tambah keilmuwan
- Nilai tambah bagi kerjasama/pragmatis
- Nilai tambah dalam pemecahan masalah pembangunan daerah 20
4 Data dan Sumber Informasi - Relevansi data dan infrormsi yang diacu
- Keakuratan dan integritas data dan informasi
- Kemampuan menghubungakan berbagai data dan informasi 15
5 Pembahasan, simpulan, serta Transfer Gagasan - Kemampuan Menganalisis dan mensintesis pembahasan serta merumuskan simpulan
- Prediksi transfer gagasan dan proses adopsi 20
6. Keterkaitan Program Keterkaitan Proposal dengan program Pembangunan Pendidikan Jawa Tengah 10
- Setiap kriteria diberi skor : 1 (sangat kurang), 2 (kurang), 4 (baik) dan 5 (sangat baik)
- Minimal nilai total lulus : 350
Catatan Penilai : ……………………………………………………………………………
Nilai = Bobot x skor
*) Coret yang tidak perlu
Perguruan Tinggi : ………………………………………………………………..
Fakultas/Program Studi : …………………………………………………………………
Judul Karya Tulis : …………………………………………………………………
Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
1. Nama Ketua Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
2. Anggota : ……………......................................................
Bidang Kajian : …………………………………………………………………
No. Kriteria Penilaian
(KP) Bobot
(B) Skor
(S) Nilai
1. Penyajian/Presentasi (maksimal 10 menit)
- Sistematikan Penyajian dan Isi
- Alat Bantu/Media Penyajian: OHP. LCD, tape recorder dll.
- Penggunaan Ragam Bahasa Tutur yang Baku
- Sikap/Cara Presentasi
- Ketepatan waktu 40
Tanya Jawab (maksimal 20 menit)
- Penguasaan materi
- Kebenaran dan Ketepatan Jawaban
- Sikap/Cara Menjawab
- Keterbukaan Peserta dalam Tanya Jawab. 60
Catatan :
- Skor setiap kriteria : 1 (sangat kurang), 2 (kurang), 4 (baik) dan
5 (sangat baik)
- Minimal nilai total : 350
Perguruan Tinggi : ……………………………………………………………..
Fakultas/Program Studi : …………………………………………………………………
Judul Karya Tulis : …………………………………………………………………
Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
1. Nama Ketua Tim Lomba : …………………………………………………………………
2. Anggota : ……………......................................................
Bidang Kajian : …………………………………………………………………
No. Kriteria Penilaian
(KP) Nilai
Nilai Naskah Karya Tulis LKTIM (60 %)
Nilai Presentasi LKTIM (40%)
………………, ………………………………
g.1.b. Sistematika Naskah Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa
Sistematika penulisan naskah Karya Tulis Inovatif Mahasiswa sebagai berikut ini:
a. Halaman judul
Halaman judul menyajikan: bidang kajian, logo Perguruan Tinggi, judul, nama penulis, tujuan LKTIM, nama perguruan tinggi, kota, bulan dan tahun.
b. Abstrak
Abstrak berisi uraian singkat karya tulis ilmiah yang meliputi: latar belakang, tujuan, manfaat, metode penulisan, hasil dan saran yang direkomendasikan. Abstrak ditulis 1 spasi, maksimal 300 kata.
c. Kata Pengantar.
d. Daftar isi.
e. Daftar lain (Jika ada. Misal: Daftar Tabel, Daftar Grafik, Daftar Gambar dll)
f. Bab I Pendahuluan
Pendahuluan berisi: latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penulisan, manfaat penulisan, sistematika penulisan.
g. Bab II Tinjauan Pustaka
Tinjauan pustaka merupakan kerangka konseptual berisi batasan/konsep/teori yang mendukung penulisan yang dapat diperoleh dari jurnal penelitian, buku, atau sumber-sumber lainnya.
h. Bab III Metode Penulisan berisi
Metode penulisan menyajikan langkah-langkah/prosedur yang benar yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah yang menguraikan secara cermat cara/metode pengumpulan informasi dan atau data, analisis informasi dan atau data, penarikan simpulan, serta merumuskan saran. Metode penulisan dapat mencakupi: pendekatan penulisan, sumber penulisan, sasaran penulisan, tahapan penulisan.
i. Bab IV Pembahasan
Uraian hasil kajian, temuan, ide pengembangan yang sesuai dengan rumusan masalah dan tujuan.
j. Bab V Penutup
Penutup berisi simpulan dan saran yang direkomendasi.
k. Daftar Pustaka
Referensi/sumber acuan yang digunakan dalam karya tulis ilmiah.
l. Lampiran-lampiran
Biodata peserta terdiri atas: nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, NIM, jurusan/prodi/fakultas, perguruan tinggi, prestasi/penghargaan dalam menulis. Foto kopi Kartu Mahasiswa/KTM yang masih berlaku. Lampiran lain yang diperlukan.
G.1.c. Sampul/Cover depan Naskah LKTIM
Sampul/Cover depan naskah LKIP yaitu biru muda yang dibuat sebagai berikut ini.
G.1.d. Halaman Pengesahan LKTIM
Halaman pengesahan dibuat sebagai berikut ini.
1. Judul Naskah : ……………………………………….
2. Bidang Kajian : ……………………………………….
3. Ketua Tim
a. Nama Lengkap : ……………………………………….
b. NIM/NRM : ……………………………………….
c. Jurusan/Fakultas : ………….…………………………….
d. Universitas/Institut/Politeknik : ……………………………………….
e. Alamat Rumah/Telepon/Faximili : ……………………………………….
f. e-mail : ………………………………………..
4. Anggota Tim : ………………………………….......
5. Dosen Pembimbing
a. Nama Lengkap dan Gelar : ……………………………………….
b. NIP : ……………………………………….
….……….., …………………..
Dosen Pembimbing, Ketua Tim,
………………………….. …………………………………
NIP.……………………. NIM/NRM …………………….
Pembantu/Wakil Rektor Bidang
Kemahasiswaan/Direktur Politeknik/
Ketua Sekolah Tinggi,
…….……. …………………………..
NIP ……………....…………………
G.1.e. Abstrak
Abstrak dibuat sebagai berikut ini.
Moh. Saefudin, Ikhsan Khakim
Dosen Pembimbing: Heri Yudiono, MT
Jurusan Xxx, Fakultas Xxx, Universitas Xxx, Kota
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kata Kunci: Limbah sengon, peredam kebisingan, sel alternator
G.1.f. Pengiriman Naskah
1. Naskah ditulis minimal 20 halaman dan maksimal 30 halaman (tidak termasuk halaman judul, prakata, daftar isi, daftar tabel, Abstrak).
2. Naskah merupakan karya asli dan belum pernah dipublikasikan/ diikutsertakan dalam lomba lain.
3. Naskah diketik rapi pada kertas HVS kuarto dengan jarak 1,5 spasi, font size 12, huruf Times New Roman Style, dengan batas pengetikan: samping kiri 4 cm, samping kanan 3 cm, batas atas 4 cm dan batas bawah 3 cm, batas pengetikan 2 cm pada bagian bawah.
4. Naskah dijilid bersampul biru muda yang pada sudut kanan atas naskah ditulis bidang kajian dan Pilihan Bahasa yang diikuti.
5. Naskah rangkap 5 (lima) dapat dikirim langsung atau melalui pos ke alamat Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Up. KaBidang PNF-PT Jalan Pemuda 134 Semarang Telepon/Faximili (024) 3520071 paling lambat 15 Juli 2011 (cap pos). Alamat pengiriman:
G.2. Written Preparation
Title Page
The title describes the subject matter of the article and should be appropriate for the intended reader. It should be sufficiently specific to convey the contents of the paper, but not so technical that only specialists will understand. On the title page, only the title of the paper should appear. The title should consist of the minimum number of key words necessary to portray accurately the contents of the paper.
The summary should be two hundred and fifty words or less. An abstract is a concise single paragraph summary of completed work or work in progress. In a minute or less a reader can learn the rationale behind the study, general approach to the problem, pertinent results, and important conclusions or new questions. Summarize the study, including the following elements in any abstract. Try to keep the first two items to no more than one sentence each.
• Purpose of the study - hypothesis, overall question, objective
• Model organism or system and brief description of the experiment
• Results, including specific data - if the results are quantitative in nature, report quantitative data; results of any data or any qualitative information as a results of a series analysis should be reported
• Important conclusions or questions that follow from the article
• Single paragraph, 12 pts Times New Romans,
• As a summary of work done, concise and is written in past tense
• An abstract should stand on its own, and not refer to any other part of the paper such as a figure or table
• Focus on summarizing results - limit background information to a sentence or two, if absolutely necessary
• What you report in an abstract must be consistent with what you reported in the paper
• Correct spelling, clarity of sentences and phrases, and proper reporting of quantities (proper units, significant figures) are just as important in an abstract as they are anywhere else
Key words
Three or four words, performing the key points of the article
The main text of a scientific paper should begin with an introduction that explains the motivation or objective for conducting the research. The introduction should be organized to move from general information to more specific information. It should summarize the relevant literature so that the reader will understand why the topic is of interest or importance, and therefore, worthy of investigation. The results and conclusions of previously published studies should be succinctly summarized as background and support, but should not be itemized. Introductions should not exceed two pages (double spaced, typed). See the examples in the writing portfolio package.
The purpose of an introduction is to acquaint the reader with the rationale behind the work, with the intention of defending it. It places your work in a theoretical context, and enables the reader to understand and appreciate objectives of the article. When abstract is the only text in a research paper to be written without using paragraphs in order to separate major points, Introduction approaches vary widely reasoning as follows:
• Describe the importance (significance) of the study - why was this worth doing in the first place? Provide a broad context.
• Defend the model - why did you use this particular organism or system? What are its advantages? You might comment on its suitability from a theoretical point of view as well as indicate practical reasons for using it.
• Provide a rationale. State your specific hypothesis(es) or objective(s), and describe the reasoning that led you to select them.
• Very briefy describe the experimental design and how it accomplished the stated objectives.
• Times New Romans 12 pts, 1,5 paragraph
• Use past tense except when referring to established facts.
• Organize you’re the ideas, making one major point with each paragraph. If you make the four points of idea, then you will need a minimum of four paragraphs.
• Present background information only as needed in order support a position. The reader does not want to read everything you know about a subject.
• State the hypothesis/objective precisely - do not oversimplify.
• As always, pay attention to spelling, clarity and appropriateness of sentences and phrases.
Materials and Methods
Methodological details applied to accomplish the objectives should be provided in this section. It should contain all necessary information to allow other scientists to repeat the study or experiment. It is reasonable to assume that other scientists have the basic knowledge and skills required of the study or analysis, but they will need to know the specific details in order to repeat or critique the study. There is no specific page limit, but a key concept is to keep this section as concise as you possibly can. People will want to read this material selectively. The reader may only be interested in one formula or part of a procedure.
• Describe materials separately only if the study is so complicated that it saves space this way.
• Describe any empirical or real facts conditions that inspiring you to write up the articles
• Describe any literature, journal, textbook, reports or other scientific documents that were used to develop ideas or analysis in constructing the articles.
• Explore any data, facts or other phenomenon that you think the conditions would be solved using a scientific approach, as you write in the article.
• Describe all technique you employ in order to explore the conditions, the consequence of the conditions, both in the short or long run
• Describe the technique you select to analyse the conditions or to develop your arguments and in concluding all facts of your analysis
• Explain the any reason you select the technique of analysis, if you think it would relevant with the results of the analysis.
• Times New Romans 12 pts, 1,5 paragraph
• Use past tense except when referring to established facts.
• It is awkward or impossible to use active voice when documenting methods without using first person, which would focus the reader's attention on the investigator rather than the work. Therefore when writing up the methods most authors use third person passive voice.
• Use normal prose in this and in every other section of the paper – avoid informal lists, and use complete sentences.
• Materials and methods are not a set of instructions.
• Omit all explanatory information and background - save it for the discussion.
• Omit information that is irrelevant to a third party, such as what color ice bucket you used, or which individual logged in the data.
This section presents the results obtained using summary tables and figures, but not the raw data collected. It is better to show the data in a table unless there is visual information that can be gained by using a figure or other information, that you are going to explore in the idea of your articles. Each table, figure, or other informations should stand alone and be accompanied by a text legend (or caption) that explains the information that is being shown. Please put the author of any information or data that you cite or you explore, as the results of your studies.
It should be clear but concise without a need for the reader to examine the text for the basic information conveyed. The principal findings should be described in the text, referring to the tables and figures, where readers can see the details for themselves. Do not attempt to discuss or evaluate the results; this belongs in the Discussion section.
• The page length of this section is set by the amount and types of data to be reported. Continue to be concise, using figures and tables, if appropriate, to present results most effectively. See recommendations for content. The purpose of a results section is to present and illustrate your findings. Make this section a completely objective report of the results, and
• As always, use past tense when you refer to your results, and put everything in a logical order.
• In text, refer to each figure as "figure 1," "figure 2," etc. ; number your tables as well as the table of qualitative information. Please always note the author that you cite.
• Place figures and tables, properly numbered, in order at the end of the report. If you prefer, you may place your figures and tables appropriately within the text of your results section.
• Make sure that all table or figures, whether it is quantitative or qualitative are not you single research findings, but a series of research.
The function of the Discussion is to interpret the results in light of what is already known about the subject of the investigation from other published results. Results should be discussed in the same sequence as presented. It should explain what the results mean, and relate them back to the objectives presented in the Introduction. It should assess how the results fit into the big picture by integrating all the evidence, including previous work and the current research, for any new understanding of the problem. Both positive and negative results should be explained and may represent something important—adding to the accumulated knowledge of the field or perhaps suggesting a new or changed focus or methodology for the research.
The objective of discussion is to provide an interpretation of your results and support for all of your conclusions, using evidence from your experiment and generally accepted knowledge, if appropriate. The significance of findings should be clearly described.
Interpret your findings or review in the discussion in appropriate depth. This means that when you explain a phenomenon you must describe mechanisms that may account for the observation. If your results differ from your expectations, explain why that may have happened. If your results agree, then describe the theory that the evidence supported. It is never appropriate to simply state that the data agreed with expectations, and let it drop at that.
• Decide if each hypothesis is supported, rejected, or if you cannot make a decision with confidence. Do not simply dismiss a study or part of a study as "inconclusive."
• Research papers are not accepted if the work is incomplete. Draw what conclusions you can based upon the results that you have, and treat the study as a finished work
• You may suggest future directions, such as how the experiment might be modified to accomplish another objective.
• Explain all of your observations as much as possible, focusing on mechanisms.
• Decide if the experimental design adequately addressed the hypothesis, and whether or not it was properly controlled.
• Try to offer alternative explanations if reasonable alternatives exist.
• One experiment will not answer an overall question, so keeping the big picture in mind, where do you go next? The best studies open up new avenues of research. What questions remain?
• Recommendations for specific papers will provide additional suggestions.
• When you refer to information, distinguish data generated by your own studies from published information or from information obtained from other students (verb tense is an important tool for accomplishing that purpose).
• Refer to work done by specific individuals (including yourself) in past tense.
• Refer to generally accepted facts and principles in present tense.
This section should simply be a few sentences that summarize the most significant results and conclusions the data support; refrain from making statements that are too broad and do not offer any reasons for the conclusions. Also, it should not just repeat what is written in the Results and Discussion sections. In fact, it can be combined with the Discussion section, by ending it with a conclusion.
Literature Cited
Please note that in the introductory laboratory course, you will not be required to properly document sources of all of your information. One reason is that your major source of information is this website, and websites are inappropriate as primary sources. Second, it is problematic to provide a hundred students with equal access to potential reference materials. You may nevertheless find outside sources, and you should cite any articles that the instructor provides or that you find for yourself.
List all literature cited in your paper, in alphabetical order, by first author. In a proper research paper, only primary literature is used (original research articles authored by the original investigators). Be cautious about using web sites as references - anyone can put just about anything on a web site, and you have no sure way of knowing if it is truth or fiction. If you are citing an on line journal, use the journal citation (name, volume, year, page numbers). Some of your papers may not require references, and if that is the case simply state that "no references were consulted."
G.2.b. Judging Criteria
1. Paper evaluation consists of two parts: Written (30%) and Oral Presentation (70%).
2. Both written and oral presentation scores consist of total twenty categories that each score between 1 and 10, as shown in the scoring table.
3. There shall be two judges. The use of the same judges for both the Written and Oral presentations is optional but encouraged.
4. The judges shall be selected to represent a cross section of various disciplines
5. The judges will be an experts that have a record of experience in written and oral communication of ideas.
Written Form Point
1 Concise, informative Abstract
2 Adequacy of Introduction
3 Logical development and analytical treatment in the body
4 Adequacy of conclusion
5 Compliance with paper contest guidelines on format
6 Grammar, spelling, style, and choice of words
7. Originality of ideas, experimental procedures, results, or conclusion
8. Originality of analysis, interpretation restatement of inference based upon the work of others.
9 Quality and level of technical social or management content.
10 Factual and technical accuracy
Oral Presentation
Organization - (introduction, body and conclusions with transitions between each )
Logical development
Poise, eye contact, platform maners
Grammar, fluency, and choice of words
Clarity and directness in exposition
G.2.c. Article Submition
1. The article should be bounded with green cover. The cover should following attached template
2. Each copy of article should legalized following the template of legalization sheet.
3. Three copies of articles should be submitted before 15-th of July 2011, to the following address:
G.1.d. Cover Template
G.2.e. Legalization Template
Student Scientific Innovative Competition
1. Tittle : ……………………………………….
2. Field of Study : ……………………………………….
3. Team Leader
a. Full Name : ……………………………………….
b. NIM/NRM : ……………………………………….
c. Department/Faculty : ………….…………………………….
d. University/Institute/College : ……………………………………….
e. Home Address/Phone/Fax : ……………………………………….
f. e-mail : ………………………………………..
4. No. Of Team Members : ………………………………….......
5. Supervisor
a. Full name : ……………………………………….
b. NIP : ……………………………………….
….……….., …………………..
Supervisor, Team Leader,
………………………….. …………………………………
NIP.……………………. NIM/NRM …………………….
Vice Rector/Dean/Director
For Student Affairs
NIP ……………....…………………
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